
3W Engines

3W- International GmbH owns the newest generation of heavy fuel (HF) and gas engines for the Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAs) industry.

3W-International GmbH signed exclusive contracts for the following:

Production, research and development of heavy fuel and gasoline engines

Purchase of 3W-International GmbH patents in Germany and USA. Registration numbers of both patent offices have been received in August 2008

Worldwide sales & marketing for the complete line of heavy fuel and gasoline engines

Offering engine designs and adaptations for existing standard engines, upon customer request。

3W Engines專業(yè)生產(chǎn)、研究和開(kāi)發(fā)重型燃料和汽油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī),3W Engines的重型燃料和汽油發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的銷售覆蓋全球。3W Engines不僅可以提供現(xiàn)有標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)格的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī),還可以根據(jù)客戶的要求改造。3W Engines擁有全球最新的用于無(wú)人機(jī)系統(tǒng)(UAs)行業(yè)的重型燃料(HF)和氣體發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)。

